A Poetic Letter to Mr. Barack Obama




Dear Sir,

I am not a dreamer

to send this letter

to you, The President of USA

the Top Representative

of  Uncle Sam,

The old man with high nose

Always wears the stars & strips hat .

I am a Vietnamese Poet

Who only want to have a chat with you !

Let’s look back the common sad part of our history !

When Mr.Graham Martin

The last Ambassador of USA

in the Vietnam War

stroke the colours

and stepped up to the helicopter

at 4:58 AM on Apr-30-1975

flew to the USS Blue Ridge.

Six hours and thirty two minutes more

VC will pull up their Liberation-Flag

On the top of the Independence Palace,

The last fortress of the South Vietnam Government.

If the Ambassador didn’t do like that

Surely He could be caught

by the VC Army Force !

In this poor case !

The Texas Cowboy,

The International Policeman

Will suddenly becomes

A cleaned out gambler

How can he save his face

before this large talkative world ? !

Very clearly, American had a time

to run away from Vietnam,

a poor Indochine country

which’s very far, far away

from your nation-site

It was not your fault

But that was from your predecessor’s

in the cold war !

That time

Capitalism hoped to set up its own bar

To cut Vietnam into 02 parts

at the 17 parallel of latitude.

Geneva agreement 1954

a sorrowful and rude

separation for all of us !

North and South Vietnam,

Both are the crazy inferior students

of  the 2 big global groups :

Capitalism and Communism !

We entered a lot of fighting campaigns

With your bombs were over our heads

And the riffles of both sides

were in our hands.

We stupidly shot to each other

as the western game was planned

I hope to remind you

Your predecessors had brought

into this poor country

1,900,000 riffles

14,900 mortars

47,000 grenade launchers

1,532 canons

1.200 airplanes

600 helicopters

( Excluded the airplanes motivated from Thailand

And the airplanes which belonged to USA )

2,074 Armor Tanks

56,000 Army trucks

You have atomic bombs ,

You have Napalm, CBU bombs,

You have TOW rockets

You also have B.52 flying fortresses

You have a lot of Claymore land mines,

Barbed wire fences, electronic cameras

Electronic fences,

You had spent USD 925 Billion

That was the Budget for 10 years Fighting

How many Vietnamese houses were burned ?

How many people,

Young guys, old men , women, children

were killed on this poor land ?

I will give you the statistical numbers :

Yes , on this land

The American was truly very strong !!!

7,882,547 metric ton of  bombs

were dropped on the Indochina land

included  3,770.000  metric ton for the South Vietnam;

937.000 metric ton for the North

The remains were for Laos and Kampuchea.

45,260  metric ton of  toxic chemical

Around   338.000 metric ton of  Napal,

were all dropped  down to this land

for the sake of breaking our iron will

on building Freedom and keeping Independence

for Vietnam , my mother land .

After bumping our heads

By chance of history

Uncle Ho and Uncle Sam

We shot to each other

From grey swamps of the Mekong Delta

To the red bazan of the highland

And so on to the blue sky.

We played our common funny crazy war-game

as the cowboys in the western films !

But here is not the Grand Canyon

here is Truong Son Range

Here is not Washington DC or Newyork

here is Hanoi and Saigon !

Here is not “Merry Christmas and Happy New Year”

Here is the “Tet Offensive”

Surely here is not Florida or Kentucky

here is Khe Sanh or Cu Chi

Here is not Wall Street

But Ho Chi Minh Trail

We, both sides crazily bumped our heads

And had a sad time

to dance with the black Reaper

Yes, truly we had a very bloody busy time

for embracement together

into the death.

When the American came to Vietnam

Some of the politicians told us

That Uncle Sam

has continuously been playing

the role of an international policeman !

With the stick and carrot on his hand

With the ambitious for peace-plan

He was the utopian dreamer

In hoping to keep (or to control ? )

the security for the whole world !

But after the date his army came to Vietnam,

North Vietnam had 1,100.000 martyrs

600,000 wounded soldiers ;

300,000 M.I.A;

South Vietnam

316,000 died in battles or missing

1,170,000 wounded soldiers

Both North and South

nearly 2,000,000  citizens were killed

2,000,000 were handicapped

2.000.000 were poisoned by Agent Orange

Around 50,000 children were deformities

And we couldn’t count

how many people were prison or caught !

How can we exchange those deaths and heavy losses

for USA pilots in Hanoi Hilton

and 58.325 USA soldier’s deaths

on the Memorial Washington-Wall ?

and Over 305,000  wounded soldiers

Included 153,303

Be serious wounded od handicapped,

2,251 airlplans dropped down to the battlefields!

How can we exchange!?

How can we bargain

in such terrible suffering plan ?

Let’s look back to the common part of our history

When Ngo Dinh Diem was supported by the American,

became a Christian Dictator on this land

but also only a Puppet President

who was pulled the strings by John F.Kennedy

He himself  had a time to say :

“With regard to security,

the frontiers of the United States

do not stop at the Atlantic and Pacific Coasts,

but extend, in South East Asia, to the Ben Hai river,

which partitions Viet-Nam at the 17th parallel,

and forms the threatened border

of the Free World

When Diem , a Christian Dictator organized and ruled

this nation with Nepotism,

Did you know this real situation ?

A lot of  farmers , a lot of patriots of this nation

were executed by the guillotine .

That time,

The Christian Prieses were greeted to palankeen-procession

So the Buddist-Monks

had to burned themselves

To show to the whole world

what the dictatorship meaning is !

In the end,

Diem and Nhu, his young brother

were killed in a coup de  état !

What can we say ?

“The horses be changed in the middle of the stream” !

A betrayal dirty hands

of the USA Ally !

On Feb 21 , 1972

Nixon and Kissinger came to Peking

He warmly shook the bloody hand of Mao Tse Tung

The Chinese Communist Chairman Dictator,

Who killed his comrades by public denouncement !

By young red guards, false legend heroes

in Cultural Revolution !

And killed over 50 million

naïve farmers by starvation !

At that time

For opening the potential large Chinese Market

To build up the future profits

for the finance big bosses of  Wallstreet ?

Was the Nixon hand also bloody contaminated ?

To the year 1974, on 19 January

When the Chinese Navy attacked to the South Vietnam Navy

For the purpose of occupying Paracel Islands.

The USA Navy had turned his face

to the other direction.

To turn the blind eyes of a foxy gambler !

That was really

an ignoring to the fate of an ally !

Please make a requiem for

Captain Nguy Van Tha

and Vice Captain Nguyen Thanh Tri

and 51 Navy Sailors

of  South Vietnam Navy

They died in honor

sunk down with the battleship

in the historical Battle of Paracel Islands ,

When Nixon pressed Nguyen Van Thieu

President of the second Republic of Vietnam

To sign the Paris Peace Accord,

Nixon only hoped to bring back the USA pilots

Who were kept inside Ha Noi Hilton !

And when he put his step to the helicopter

Took off away from the garden of the White House

On a trip of resignation

As the big ancient tree was cut down

By the judiciary axe

of the Watergate Scandal

He forgot all of his “Vietnamization” policy

and his promises to poor President Thieu :

“I repeat my person assurances to you,

 “that the United States will react very strongly

and rapidly

to any violation of the agreement.”

In the Vietnam War

Uncle Sam played a gambling

With the value of USD 25 Billion

That was yearly Military-Expenses and Military Aid

From 1966  to 1970.

In 1970 and 1971

The gambling came down

to USD 12 Billion per year

And now, The year 1975

Uncle Sam was short of capital

He dared not to lay out the other gambling

President Gerald Ford’s April 23 speech

at Tulane University in New Orleans,

He said :

“the Vietnam War is finished

as far as America is concerned.

 “Today, Americans can regain the sense of pride

that existed before Vietnam.

But it cannot be achieved by re-fighting a war.”

To him, Vietnam war was already be

Game over !

In the other side,

The USA National Assembly

Cut down the budget of the Military Aid

For South Vietnam

It was only

USD 700 Million

Oh ! How pitiful for South Vietnam !

He was sitting there to play gambling

With some very very tiny false coins

So in the end,

He himself dissolved and run away

Game over followed his pity heels !

But then we come to this act :

Before the end of war in Vietnam

From Mar 10 to Apr 30, 1975

Fifty one days and nights

South Vietnam Army lost 02 Army Corp

On the 7th road of withdrawal

From Cheo Reo, Cung Son, to Tuy Hoa

The 2nd Army Corp was serious attacked

Be disintegrated , collapsed .

Thousand and thousand citizens followed that troop

Were killed by mortars , by canons, by grenades

By M16 , AK47 rifles

Even on the surface of that rough road

Uncountable children

who that time were learning

how to take their first step

in this suffering life ,

lost their family

violently sobbed by the roadsides

or in the middle of the dark tropical forest

The same situation with the 1st Army Corp

In Quang Trị, Hue, Da Nang,

Open the bloody escape way,

to find small place on the army ship

by shooting to each other !

Those were the last deaths

Before we could embrace the bird of peace !

But that was not the end of the tearful tragedy

That was only the beginning

of  the new terrible tragedy

for the Indochine-People

When the American Army,

who play the role of the Global Cop,  left here ,

Nearly 1 million of South Vietnam Army Officers

And the administrative high officers

of the puppet government

would be dissolved

and concentrated

into a lot of re-education camps

for hard labor !

A lot of people died in such prison-camps !

A lot of people

Became the boat men

To find freedom

on the top of Pacific Ocean’s waves

And so, a lot of people

Sunk down to the dark deep sea !

In Kampuchea,

With the help of Chinese Advisors

Polpot set up the new agrarian socialist utopia

For his country

Immediately after the fall of Phnom Penh,

Khmer Rouge began to implement

their concept of  “Year Zero

They ordered the complete evacuation of Phnom Penh

and all other recently captured major towns and cities.

They started the “Death March”

Hundreds of thousands of  poor pity people,

were taken out in shackles

to dig their own mass graves.

Then the Khmer Rouge soldiers

buried them alive.

A lot of people were executed

Modern research has located 20,000 mass graves

on the “Killing Fields”

from the Khmer Rouge era

all over Cambodia.

A U.N. investigation reported 2–3 million dead,

while UNICEF estimated

3 million had been killed.

The combined effects of executions,

strenuous working conditions,

malnutrition, starvation,

over work or disease

with poor medical care

caused the deaths

of approximately 25 percent

of the Cambodian population.

That came from the absent

Of the International Cop !

Oh You, The World – Cop

As same as the figures of the cops

Always hold tighly the cosh on their hand

standing on the rear footboard

of the Police Patrol Autos

for their rush work

inside Charlie Chaplin movies !

Did you, the cop have a time

To take a look back ?

Yes, behind your back

when you start your step to leave the scene

that time will have the empty space of power

surely will  have a lot of  dead bodies

and a lot of bloodshed-chaos !

on the rough road to real Peace !

On the road you just start your step to leave the scene

That time were full of dead bodies

and a lot of  bloodshed-chaos !

After the Vietnam War

Uncle Sam recognized that most of his weapons

Will not suitable for the future wars

So he have already started to improve

and develop a lot of new modern army weapons

such as : UAV MQ-9 Reaper,

Boeing AH-64 Apache attack helicopter,

DARPA’s self-guided smart bullets

M109A6 Paladin Self Propelled Howitzer

M1A2 Abrams Battle Tank,

A BGM-109 Tomahawk , Long-range,

all-weather, Subsoniccruise missile.

Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit, Stealth Bomber,

is an American heavy penetration strategic bomber,

 Panavia Tornado GR4, multirole combat aircraft

with Storm Shadow  air-launched cruise missile

40 mm Small Arms Grenade Munitions (SAGM)

M2HB machine gun

Ya , all the above very modern weapons

Have been used in Middle East !

as the special gifts to the Reaper

for his terrible dancing

with the noisy song of death !

So on , at the same time

China set up the political leadership goals

“ Four Modernizations”

Modernization of Agriculture, Industry,

National Defense, Science and Technology.

Step by step , they grew up under the sky

of the North Asia.

And now, they declared to all of the world

Their “Chinese Dream”

They had already started to occupy

Paracel Islands and Spratly Islands

Which were belonged to Vietnam

from Thousand years ago

They brutally violated the Vietnamese’s Sovereignty

By their Navy Gun-Ships !

And they draw the U-shaped nine-dash line.

Which In Vietnam we called “cow’s tongue line” ,

Aggressive declaration that were their Islands !

Robbery ! Invasion ! Expansionism !

Let look back the other act

Middle East

From 7-10-2001 to now

Fifteen years for the war in Afghanistan

Taliban and the caves

on the high mountain Tora Bora

Bill Laden was killed

But how many lives of that land

And also from your country

were lost by weapons of  both sides ?

Taliban have been still there

They still hide somewhere in Kandahar,

in Helmand , Oruzgan, and Patika

They already destroyed

the 2 huge vestiges statues of Buddha

by high explosive  in Bamiyan ,

explosion mixed with their shouting “Allah Akbar”

And they still force the young ladies

to wear” Burga” at all time in public

and can not go to school

Until 8 year old

What did the Global Cop do and get there ?

From Oct 7, 2001 to October 1, 2015

in the Afghanistan war

there have been 3,486 coalition deaths

and so on there have been 2,356 U.S. military deaths

Afghan security forces: 21,950 killed

Northern Alliance: 200 killed

Coalition Wounded: 22,773

(United States: 19,950, United Kingdom: 2,188, Canada: 635)

Contractors: Dead: 1,582 Wounded: 15,000

Taliban and other forces :  25,000 -40,500 killed

Civilianz killed: 26,270

Those are the glacial number on your reports

To describe your suffering dealing

When George Bush condemned Saddam Hussein

produced and stored  chemical weapons .

Bush started his own war in Iraq on 19-3-2003

without the consensus of his allies and the United Nations!

For nearly 9 years in that Middle East country

How many bombs and rockets

were dropped down to Baghdad ?

Alibaba and 1,001 dreamy legend nights were killed

By your ammunition !

On the peak of war,

In Iraq your country had 170,000 soldiers,

500 army bases .

And you had already spend USD 1,000 Billion

For fighting there

But Al Qaeda in Iraq still survived

and already have been grown up,

sloughed its skin into ISIS

Violence still be on that red sand

Suicide bomb still continuously exploded somewhere

Iraq blood still continuously bleeds

And one time more

The Global Cop

Who always hold tighly the cosh in his hand

Can not or dare not to stay

He had to run away

Behind him was the empty power space

ready to welcome the bloody chaos

of the Arab Spring !

Arab Spring

or Middle East & North Africa Bloody Hot Summer ?

The spring without blossom flowers

and pigeons !

but the hot running fires and chaos

Absolute Destruction !

Broken, dissolved Societies !

Spark ignition came from

the self – burning tragedy

of the fruity street-vendor  Mohamed Bouazizi

on Dec 18, 2010 !

From that day

to the day I am writing this poem

1981 days passed

The people’s uprising

From Tunisie  spreaded to Algeria,

Egypp, Yemen,Jordan, Mauritanie,

Arabie Saudi, Oman,

Sudan, Syria, Iraq, Libya

and Maroc .

How many lives also already passed  away ?

How many naïve souls

of 1.001nights legendary dreamy land

Suddenly, painfully went to the thin air

Without your care ?

Oh ! Uncle Sam !, the global cop

Please you have a time

to get out your destiny

and your spirit

Please set up your own imagination

To play a role of a Vietnamese mother

daily lonely sobbed in the dark calm nights

despairingly waiting for her 11 children

Every of them

had a time went out of her thatched cottage

and never came back

because all of them

one after another

were killed in the war !

Please play a role

of a North Vietnamese handicapped Veteran

came back to his poor farming family

married and had two children

both of them were contaminated with the Agent Orange

Dioxin Toxicity

Victims of “Ranch Hand “ Campaign

Please enter his daily suffering

as he has been continuously born.

Please , Uncle Sam , the Global Cop

Don’t run away !

Let you try the role

of the South Vietnamese Handicapped Veteran

after the war , when you already left here

with one leg remains

he became a street lottery-tickets vendor

a dusty , sunny , windy, rainy life

with daily profit around  USD 3

one year around USD 1,200

compare with average USA GDP per capita : USD 51,248.21

Oh , Uncle Sam, the Global Cop

Please take the role of a Kampuchea Citizen

He who had a time to lived in Pnongpenh,

then was evacuated

with unvalued tiny things

inside his small threadbare grey bag

He started his own trip

with his family-members

to an infinite horizon

and behind that horizon

may be the hard labor camp

or one of the “Killing Fields”

to wait for him and his family.

At that place.

his wife could meet the serious starvation,

and pass away by overwork.

His son could be died by disease

And he, himself would be killed by a rusty hoe !

Oh , Uncle Sam, the Global Cop

Now we change to the role of the Middle East Refugee

Please image that you were a Syrian Kurdish man,

Your nation is Syria

Which was deeply sunk down in smoke and fire

of a 5 years lasted civil war

Uprising and the Government Force

Both sides were very balance

None of the houses was intact!

Army Tanks shot directly to every window

Syria now is a lot of heap of  broken bricks and concrete

Over 250,000 people were killed

Inside the above number,

Can you count

How many people were killed

by your UAV MQ-9 Reaper Predator ?

You, the Syrian Kurdish Male Refugee

Your wife died young

in the shipwreck

under the cold waves

of the  Mediterranean Ocean

And your 3 year-old son’s body

washed up on the Turkish beach

Oh ! how terrible sadness for this scene !

Dear Sir,

In your society

“In God We Trust”

But to the Ammunition Producers

Surely they always like to live

on this poor Globe

With the best happiness easily lives

They always like to have

Billion USD in their own secret bank-account

and embrace some long leg film stars

on the board

of their hundred thousand USD luxury cruiser

To them, the weapons producers and suppliers

“In Gun We Trust”

for their target-searching

“In Gold We Trust”

Dear Sir, the Top Representative of Uncle Sam

We could not use our strong Army Force

To defeat the will of the other nation .

We could not impose our thinking,

To the other people’s though

We could not compel the other people

follow our own ideas.

That ‘s the real value of Freedoom

We respect to our children, the youth, the next generation !

Don’t push them to follow anyone, any religions,

Any ideal or any ideology

Let them freely choose their own believes

Don’t throw them to water for baptism

When they are too young for their own awareness !

From the Feudalism – era till now

Many many missionary-troops

A lot of  Religion-Priests

With their crazy concrete heads

still try to convert someone to their own religion.

They don’t know this very clearly truth

Now the rising up of the ISIS in the Middle East

That means Mujahideens stood up for Jihad

That was the revenge for the invasions

of the Christian Holy Wars

Which were a lot of Men and swords of the Inquisition

marched out from Europe

Ardently , Foolishly to go for conquering

Jesusalem some centuries ago.

He who use the sword will be killed by sword !

That’s the evident truth forever

Dear Uncle Sam ,

Dear Mr. Barack Obama

President of USA

If you think your enemy

is really the dirty sinful robbers

a guilty ambitious expansionist

Please slap their face by your UAV Predator

Please destroy all of the artificial constructions

Such as runway, army bunker , radar system

On Paracel Islands and Spratly Islands.

Please strongly reopen the military campaign

for freedom of navigation

On the Pacific Ocean .

For the sake of building Peace on this tearful world

Please fiercely attack them by all of your forces !

This is the true ethic challenge from our conscience

If any President of USA doing like this

Either  Barack Obama or Donald Trump

He will be the true Justice-Hero of this world !

Oh ! all of you , my friends

Don’t play the role of the Global Policeman

Who always hold tightly the cosh in his hand

but at the halfway point, running away

That’s non effective ! nonsense !

Please remember that

when you start your step to leave the scene

behind you will have the empty space of power

that time surely will have a lot of dead bodies

and a lot of bloodshed-chaos !

on the rough road to real Peace !

Your new friend,

A Vietnamese Poet


(From 7:00 AM  May 19,2016

To 12:44 AM May 22, 2016)


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